Used Component

Used Component

Items categorised as “Used Component” are items that were originally manufactured numerous years ago and have been acquired by OzPump as having been used for a period of time. Typically they are non-complex individual items such as spare parts, basic accessories or fittings etc. Any “Used Component” item is supplied complete and in good faith as listed. OzPump makes no enquiries as to the history of usage or reliability of the product and therefore cannot provide this information to customers.

“Used Component” items, regarded as used product, carry a sell-price that is heavily discounted from the recommended retail price which negates any assumed warranty offer on the item.

OzPump specifically excludes “Used Components” from any guarantee or warranty due to the following considerations;

• The items are being offered substantially below their original pricing.

• The “Used Component” may show signs of wear and tear which may or may not be commensurate with the age of the product

• A “Used Component” item may need slight attention to deliver and perform to its manufacturer’s specifications.

• This attention may be in the form of, but not limited to, inspecting, re-sealing, and testing.

• Testing and inspecting every available item prior to offering it for sale would prevent OzPump being able to pass on the substantial savings of our low-cost environment.

In Summary

A “Used Component” item may, or may not require slight attention to perform to expectation. They are priced considerably below their originally recommended price to accommodate any wear and tear from previous use. This consideration still reflects a saving to the customer even when compared to usual discount wholesale pricing. OzPump can not offer or recognise any warranty or claim on the performance of any item categorised as a “Used Component”. Please refer to our Terms & Conditions